The Tarzan book series were banned starting in Downey, California where I currently live. Hmmm strange coincidence? A teacher in 1962 claimed the books were immoral because Tarzan and Jane weren’t married. (Obviously she never read the books and only saw the movies freely adapted from them). Source: Tarzan: The Broadway Adventure by Michael Lassell. The first book, Tarzan of the Apes is still on the national banned books list because the books were also considered obscene and pornographic. WHOO-HOO! Now doesn’t that want to make you read it more? For the record I did not know that when I went to the Downey Public library to try and rent that book, and all the copies were “lost”. Funny huh? I resorted to Ebay to find a real copy and scored a first edition. No, it’s not valuable at all, it’s falling apart at the binding but it was a cool copy.